Receivable Factoring

  • Accounts receivable (A/R) factoring, often referred to as invoice discounting, is a type of short-term financing used by some business borrowers. The transaction takes place between a business (the Seller) and a Factor.

Factoring is only available as a funding source for companies that sell on credit terms, meaning that a borrower (the vendor) sells a good (or service), generating an invoice to its buyer for payment at a later date (terms may be 30, 45, or 60+ days).

Factoring can be a source of “non debt” financing when it is done on a without recourse basis. Factoring is linked to receivables and sales. It cannot be used for funding inventory.

What is in it for?


  1. Collateral free working capital solution.
  2. Accessing wider network of investors can reduce pricing.


  1. Balance sheet management by early realisation of receivables.
  2. Off balance sheet funding helps reduce bank debt.
  3. Risk management of lower rated debtors.


  1. End use is known – to pay the Anchor.
  2. Past history is available and hence limits are based on experience.
  3. Portfolio effect – the loans are spread over many borrowers. First loss guarantees can improve this further.

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